View this application on the City of Vancouver website.
989 West 67th Avenue - DP-2017-01162
IBI Group has applied to the City of Vancouver for permission to develop this site with an eight-storey residential building that includes:
- retail units at grade;
- a building height of approximately 30.0 m (99 ft.);
- a public plaza; and
- two levels of underground parking having vehicular access from existing lane.
You may recall that City Council previously approved the rezoning of this site on October 17, 2017. In approving this rezoning, City Council approved the preliminary form of development generally as prepared by IBI Group, on behalf of Coromandel Properties, and presented at Public Hearing.
Among the conditions of Council’s approval of this rezoning is that the applicant obtain approval of a development permit. In making a decision on a development application, the Director of Planning shall have particular regard to the conditions outlined in the rezoning report, but may allow minor alterations to the form of development previously approved by Council.
Further information on this Council decision, including the Policy Report and related Appendices and minutes of the Council meeting, is available on the city’s website at the following links:
Policy Report: http://council.vancouver.ca/documents/p2_000.pdf
Council Minutes: http://council.vancouver.ca/20170919/documents/regu20170919min.pdf
We welcome your written comments (letter or e-mail) on this development application. Comments should be received on, or before February 23 , 2018, to be considered in the staff review. However, written comments will be considered up until the date of decision.
- Project Data (154kb)
- Design Rationale (311kb)
- Site Plan (158kb)
- Shadow Analysis (621kb)
- Elevations (401kb)
- Landscape Plan (1.41mb)
Contact: Kaveh Imani, Project Facilitator, kaveh.imani@vancouver.ca, 604.829.9334
To assist you, a Glossary of key technical terms and a brief explanation of the application process is posted on our website at: vancouver.ca/devapps
In reviewing this application, and before making a decision, the Director of Planning will also need to consider City by-law regulations, and Council-adopted policies and guidelines. Once a full application review is completed, a decision will be made. If you respond to this notification, we will keep you informed by re-notifying you as to the decision.
The submitted plans may be viewed at the Project Facilitator’s office, Development and Building Services Centre, 1st Floor at 515 West 10th Avenue between 8:30a.m. and 4:30p.m., Monday through Friday. Copies of City by-law regulations, policies and guidelines are available at the City's website at http://www.vancouver.ca/commsvcs/bylaws/bylaw1.htm or at either the Development and Building Services Centre (1st Floor, 515 West 10th Avenue) or the Central Public Library (350 West Georgia Street).
Please note that all comments and responses to this notification are subject to, and may be released, pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. The Act does, however, protect your privacy by prohibiting disclosure of personal information (such as names, addresses and other identifying information) where such a disclosure would be an unreasonable invasion of personal privacy.
Why You Should Participate
This is your chance to provide feedback to decision-makers and make a meaningful impact on major initiatives which will affect your community, while being assured that the feedback is coming exclusively from residents like yourself, and not from those living outside your area.