TransLink Base Plan Consultation
Learn more about TransLinks's 2013 Base Plan and Outlook, and be part of it by taking a survey on PlaceSpeak.
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2013 Base Plan and Outlook
The 2013 Base Plan and Outlook outlines strategic initiatives, transportation programs and services that TransLink will deliver between 2013 and 2015 using current existing revenue sources. The draft 2013 Base Plan takes into account the financial challenges we face, and focuses on reducing costs and finding efficiencies. It delivers as much of the 2012 Moving Forward Plan (our 2012 supplemental plan) as we can afford.
From September 20 to October 12, you gave us feedback on our draft 2013 Base Plan and Outlook. Now that we've heard from you, we're evaluating that feedback and finalizing the plan. In November, 2012, we'll report back with the final 2013 Base Plan and Outlook and we'll also let you know what we heard during consultation. Stay tuned! In the meantime, you can still learn about the 2013 Base Plan and Outlook here.
Thank you for your participation!
Learn more about the Base Plan by clicking on the MEDIA tab above
About the Base Plan
Under the South Coast British Columbia Transportation Authority Act, TransLink is required to prepare a base plan and outlook every year. The base plan supports implementation of the region’s long-term transportation strategy, as well as progress toward the Provincial Transit Plan, Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy, Provincial greenhouse gas reduction targets and municipal plans.
The base plan and accompanying documents are TransLink’s 2013 Transportation and Financial Base Plan and Outlook for 2013 to 2022. A base plan identifies the strategic initiatives, programs, investments and services that TransLink will pursue over the next three years (i.e. “plan period”) drawing only on established revenue sources. It identifies how TransLink will be able to meet these commitments and maintain its financial integrity over an additional seven year period (i.e. “outlook period”).
Connected participant (offset for privacy)
Why You Should Participate
This is your chance to provide feedback to decision-makers and make a meaningful impact on major initiatives which will affect your community, while being assured that the feedback is coming exclusively from residents like yourself, and not from those living outside your area.
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