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New Clayton Community Assocation Engagement

Have your say on issues in Clayton as we encourage our elected officials to begin planning our community as early as possible.


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Birth of a new Community in Clayton!

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Building a community around a Skytrain Station is a BIG deal. It will bring with it tremendous changes to accommodate 10's of thousands of future residents. It's an even bigger deal when you consider one of those stations will arrive to 1200 Acres of untouched, undeveloped land located in the centre of one of the fastest growing cities in Canada.

This will fundamentally change our neighbourhood of Clayton - for better or for worse. The decision makers table, will be filled with City Planners, Engineers, Developers etc.... and at that table there is another seat. One that belongs to the community.

The NCCA wants you to have your say, with a data driven approach, that engages anyone who is willing to participate. We aren't asking for money or even much of your time, just one small commitment. Give us 5-10 minutes a month to answer a few questions on a survey, here on PlaceSpeak. If you want to be more involved, we'd love that too! We promise to listen and deliver YOUR message to the table.

Any local community Facebook page will remind you that each of us tends to complain about one thing or another. We get it - there's a lot to complain about. Parking sucks, there's too much traffic and schools are busting at their seams. No one, single, person has all the answers, but we believe an entire community tends to figure it out well - together.

Give us a chance to help you voice your opinions and let's see if we can raise this community together.

Forward-Thinking = Forward-Planning

As one of Surrey’s oldest communities, Clayton has seen more than a century of change. Now, with Surrey projected to double in population by 2050, Clayton is again set to be a focal point for local growth. With expected increases in both residents and traffic, it is planned that the City and surrounding areas will need to increase rapid transit and population density throughout the region, with a focus on Clayton.

As these plans take shape, the New Clayton Community Association wants to play an active role in what our “New Clayton” will look like, focusing the conversation on issues such as: Affordable Housing, Sustainability for the community and the environment, improved Transit & Personal Mobility, and, Recreation & Culture opportunities that give residents places to relax and connect.

The Proposed SkyTrain Route

The proposed route will extend the Expo Line with 16-kilometres of elevated track/guideway down Fraser Highway from King George Station to Langley City Centre. Clayton is proposed to have two (2) of the eight stops built at 184th street and 190th street in Clayton.

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Have your say

Share your thoughts in the Discussions

Learn about the issues in the Resources

Check out upcoming Events

Contribute to solutions in the Noticeboard

How to Participate on PlaceSpeak

To participate, all you need to do is Connect if you have a PlaceSpeak account; or register to create one.

Your residential address is never displayed to other users or the administrator of the consultation. Your address is used only to ensure that you are a resident of Metro Vancouver.

 Read more about the PlaceSpeak privacy policy (click here).

Connected participant (offset for privacy)

Why We Are Engaging

The New Clayton Community Association is a new community body dedicated to fostering engagement between community residents and local government in addressing some of our region’s most pressing issues.

Who Is Listening

Director NCCA

Greg MacRae

Vice-President NCCA

Sarah Atkinson

President of NCCA

Manny Chehil

Why You Should Participate

This is your chance to provide feedback to decision-makers and make a meaningful impact on major initiatives which will affect your community, while being assured that the feedback is coming exclusively from residents like yourself, and not from those living outside your area.







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Ways to Participate In This Consultation

We are using the civic engagement platform, PlaceSpeak, for this consultation.

Please create an account to participate

Additional Resources