
Pattullo Bridge Review Consultation Postponed

TransLink is deferring announced public consultation regarding the Pattullo Bridge, which was to begin next week. This deferral will allow TransLink time to work with the Mayors’ Council on Regional Transportation to respond to last week’s request from the Province that the Council work with TransLink to develop a plan for transportation in the region. As the Pattullo Bridge is one of the key priorities for the region, TransLink needs time to confirm with the Mayors’ Council how options for this project will fit into the regional plan, which the Mayors have been asked to deliver by June 30, 2014.

TransLink anticipates completing this work as quickly as possible and commencing Phase 2 public consultation of the Pattullo Bridge Review later this spring. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please watch for notification of upcoming consultation opportunities

Why You Should Participate

This is your chance to provide feedback to decision-makers and make a meaningful impact on major initiatives which will affect your community, while being assured that the feedback is coming exclusively from residents like yourself, and not from those living outside your area.







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Ways to Participate In This Consultation

We are using the civic engagement platform, PlaceSpeak, for this consultation.

Please create an account to participate