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698 East 64th Avenue and 8029 Fraser Street

698 East 64th Avenue and 8029 Fraser Street


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Ceci est une consultation générée automatiquement.

PlaceSpeak created this "seed" topic based on data published by the municipality. Currently this seed topic is not run by the municipality. If 10 people click "Show Interest", PlaceSpeak will invite the municipality to claim the topic and engage with residents.


View this application on the City of Vancouver website.

Rezoning Application and Development Permit Application - 698 East 64th Avenue and 8029 Fraser Street (DE418968)

The City of Vancouver received an application to rezone 698 East 64th Avenue and 8029 Fraser Street from C-1 (Commercial) District to CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is for a 5-storey mixed-use building that includes:

    • 37 secured market rental units;
    • commercial space at grade
    • a building height of 16 m (52 ft.) from grade;
    • a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.65; and
    • 28 underground parking spaces.

This application is being considered under the Secured Market Rental Housing (Rental 100) Program.

This application has been approved by Council at Public Hearing on November 24, 2015.

Application (March 27, 2015)


Advisory Group and Community Meetings

Council Meetings



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